目前分類:Application (7)

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Tübingen just posted their 07/08 Winter Class Schedule online couple days ago, so I am trying to figure it out what classes I should take in order to match our classes in NCHU.

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Went to the Deutsches Institut Taipei this morning for my student VISA. Got up early and took the 8 o'clock bus, then met my cousin for lunch at Taipei 101. 

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要一起去德國的學姐(我年紀大, 她年級高....... 到底誰算學姐???) 拿到25萬了.......... 原來不是每個人都有30萬的哦!

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* 上星期收到杜大的e-mail........ 上面說我的交換學生申請己經收到並且通過, 入學通知會寄出來了!!!! 我在想應該是統一寄到國際事務處去了吧, 希望學校收到可以早點講啊!

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=> 詢問助教近期課程委員會開會時間

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1. 交換學生申請表

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